
Kat: Five-year retrospective photo post

Recently, reading through the old Sunflower River livejournal, I came across a three-year retrospective photo post that I’d put together. I like the idea so much, that I’m going to do it again. We are at the five year mark now, and still overwhelmed with projects and work that we could be doing, at any given moment, and a great many that we are actively working on. It feels good to look back on the past few yeras and see how much we’ve already done, and give ourselves permission to take a break and enjoy the fruits of these many labors.

This time, i’ve located photographs from our first year, Sept 07-July 08, and then gone outside and taken new photographs, right now today, December 2012, from those same locations & angles. It’s kind of a cloudy day, and it’s December, so some of these aren’t as pretty as they would be in the same season, but I wanted to create, and show, a sense of how much *infrastructure* we’ve built, as well as the green growing things that you see here all the time.

so without further ado, here’s the garden-field, and the barn, Sept 07

and that same view today:

my favorite shot of the barn from Sept 07.


barn, barnyard, and driveway, Sept 07


goat pen, sept 07


chicken pen, Sept 07


garden, January 08

complete with Alan. who has also changed. :)

Garden and Kat’s Yurt, April 08

a really challenging one. we’ve been really busy on that exact bit of land!

inside the Cottage livingroom, Sept 07


you can tell we added a toddler, too.

Cottage backyard & yurt area, Sept 07

an almost completely impossible shot to retake today. the original was taken more or less from the west edge of my yurt. i could possibly climb up on top of my yurt to recreate a version of the original, but i’m not that ambitious this afternoon. trying this picture from inside the yurt facing out the door, also didn’t turn out so well. so here’s an approximation, one from each side.

from the north:

and from the south:


patio, spring 08



herb garden, August 08

seriously, it’s the same shot. you can tell by the small corner of my yurt deck in the lower right-hand corner of each picture.

couldn’t resist. Thistle, August 08.

She even held still where i asked her to, long enough to take a picture. good dog.

north end of the ditch, Summer 08



Ritual ground, sept 07. seriously.

ritual ground, today


front fenceline, spring 08.

this was another hard one to take, so here are two.
from pretty much the same perspective:

and showing most of the front wall.

One reply on “Kat: Five-year retrospective photo post”

Love seeing the transformation. Especially with Thistle.

Your place and group of folks have a real special place in my heart.

Thanks for letting me be part of it over the years.

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