
Shed of Holding reorg.

Some years back, we acquired a potting shed. it has enough space in it to be a number of things other than a potting shed, so for a while we were calling it the Shed of Holding. (also, we’re a bunch of geeks, in case you didn’t notice.)

The Shed of Holding is located conveniently near our community house, Mahazda, so while we were doing the renovation, we stashed materials and supplies in there so they were handy for projects. That worked okay for a while, but then entropy set in.

It’s looked more or less like this for a while:
looking east

looking west

so we decided that Outbuilding Clean Up is a priority for us this winter. Last sunday, we tackled it. We took everything out of the shed, and swept.

Then we started making executive decisions about what went back into the shed, what went into other outbuildings (and what problems that might cause there), and what to get rid of. At the end of the day, we had moved one raft of things to the Pump House (and a corresponding raft of things from the Pump House to the Cottage kitchen, where Rev obligingly spent the next day retrofitting a shelf for them), another raft of things into the Barn (which, surprisingly, was actually slightly improved thereby, in spite of our expectations to the contrary… it’s possible the barn was alreayd in such bad shape, nothing could have made it *worse* so it simply had to get better!) a stack of things set aside to be friend-cycled*, and everything else tidily organized within.

looking east:

looking west:


potting shed being an effective potting shed:

so very satisfying!

*like recycling, but to your friends. still available: 4 solar dehydrator frames, a kid’s bike suitable for a 5+ year old size kid, and an outdoor portable playpen. message me if you’re local and interested! i’ve also posted them on facebook. also for sale: a Hammer brand punching bag. good condition, unused by us. $50 obo. and a pressure tank for a well, in great condition (it came with the house, and wasn’t the right thing for our plumbing situation post-remodel; works great) $35 obo.